Gov Brown on Calif Community Colleges

Brown seeks to reshape California's community colleges
The governor wants to limit the number of credits students can accumulate. He also proposes changing the funding formula to pay schools for students who complete courses.

By Carla Rivera, Los Angeles Times

January 20, 2013, 5:45 p.m.

With a slate of bold and controversial budget proposals, Gov.Jerry Brown has placed a renewed focus on the state's struggling community colleges, the world's largest system of two-year schools that are often overshadowed by the University of California and Cal State systems.

The governor's recommendations are aimed at keeping community colleges affordable, keeping classes accessible and moving students faster through the system to allow them to graduate or transfer to a four-year university at higher rates. Brown's spending plan must clear the Legislature, and some college officials have vowed to oppose — or at least try to modify — some portions.

These proposals are among the most significant policy shifts in years and could reshape many campus operations.
Continued here.


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