Information on Lumina Foundation grant by ACCJC

If you wish to see what the ACCJC received from Lumina, you can go here for the PDF.  The amount is for $450,000.  Several blogs perceive this connection to Lumina as the corporatizing of Higher Ed. The City of San Francisco's lawsuit against ACCJC is more clear as it is also a public document.  In their press release, they stated:

The controversial political agenda—whose proponents include conservative advocacy organizations, for‐profit colleges and corporate student lenders—represents a significant
departure from the abiding “open access” mission pursued by San Francisco’s Community College District since it was first established, and also repeatedly affirmed by the state legislature.
The ACCJC Lumina grant is peppered heavily with the term, "Outcomes."  This was outlined in their paper, The Degree Qualifications Profile.  So, you know what that means.  You can get a better idea of their concept of getting 60% degree earners with their report, A Stronger Nation Through Higher Education.  A Huffington Post article also notes that Foundations are increasingly getting running Higher Ed.

It's not just about one person.  The plot is thick with other players.


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