LBCC negotiations
The Long Beach Downtown Gazette reports that the LBCC faculty and Admin are at a stalemate. Of interest is that they get stipends for evaluations and other activities that we perform gratis. There is also an early retirement proposal.
Being Community College Association Union members, they differ from CFT. Of interest is that the newspaper dug into Transparent California, and showed that the Union President was earning well north of 100,000 a year, but this must be taken in light of his 20 years of service.
The article states:
If you read it, they are only offering a 1.48% increase to their base salary. The other stuff is occasional. Their union is asking the following:
The faculty’s current contract doesn’t end until June 2017 and negotiations are part of the re-opener, LBCC public relations and marketing associate director Stacey Toda said in an email.
Toda said LBCC’s proposal includes: ongoing salary increases averaging 1.48% for all faculty, one-time bonus of 1.5%, 10.5% increase to hourly overtime rates and 10.15% stipend pay increase. The college also is offering hourly pay for conducting evaluations of probationary and tenured faculty, as now it’s part of their college service hours, Toda said. Additionally, the college would provide an early retirement incentive, where those with 15 years of employment and at least age 55 would get 65% of their salary, she said. If the college has 24 retirees by June 2016, it will offer an additional 2% ongoing salary increase for faculty, Toda said.
Given these types of negotiations throughout California, our contract actually doesn't look too bad.
CCA now is asking for a 4.25% base salary increase retroactive to July 2015 and a 3% increase beginning in July 2016, Hund said.
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