Negotiations Update October 2015

September 22, 2015--Union Meeting @1PM
The membership voted to follow the required workload hours (33.3) to the letter.  Work outside of the normal workload was not recommended to be pursued any longer.
An Action Committee was formed in regards to further actions by the Faculty to address the hostile negotiation position by the District.

October 6, 2015--Union Meeting @ 1PM
News of a possible resolution to compensation was rumored.  As they were rumors, nothing was concretely verified.  Jose was going to further investigate the position of the District.

October 8, 2015
A tentative resolution to the issue of compensation has been reached.  Faculty were emailed a memo in regards to this agreement.

The matter looks resolved:
2014-15:  3%;  2015-16:  3%  2016-17:  2.85%  plus re-openers on fringe benefits – that is, health benefits. 
Contract vote will be on an overall 8.85% on-schedule increase.

There is NO increase on the overload/part-time salary schedule.

Please monitor emails for information on when the membership will vote on this contract.  


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