Stanford U reports massive cheating problem

The LA Times reports that Stanford University was experiencing widespread cheating across the campus, which forced the President of the university to issue a statement about the Stanford Honor code.  The article states:

"With the ease of technology and widespread sharing that is now part of the collaborative culture, students need to recognize and be reminded that it is dishonest to appropriate the work of others," he said. "Do we provide guidance for the use of technology? And are students aware that we really will seek to identify and report concerns that may arise?"
Stanford officials said the allegations are under investigation, but declined to say which course was involved. Numerous students are being interviewed, spokeswoman Lisa Lapin said.
"Every student has the opportunity to present evidence of the work they did and why," she said.
Lapin noted that some breaches of the honor code occur every quarter. In 2013-14, 83 honor cases were reviewed. Officials said they had no information on how many were found to be in violation.
Nationwide, about 68% of undergraduates and 43% of graduate students admit cheating on tests or written assignments, according to research by retired Rutgers business professor Donald L. McCabe and the International Center for Academic Integrity at Clemson University.
The 68% of undergraduates cheating is disturbing.


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