ACCJC Opinion piece in SF Examiner

The San Francisco Examiner has posted an OpEd piece by a member of the ACCJC.  The title of the article is "Student Success is Accrediting Agency's Primary Mission."

Dr Steven Kisslla stated:

While Assembly Bill 404 is spurred by the recent debates about City College of San Francisco, it is important to distinguish between constructive comment and suggestions for change, and unwarranted critique. The February 17, 2015 decision by San Francisco Superior Court Judge Curtis Karnow ruled the allegations about the ACCJC, its commissioners and its staff were unproven.

Among the many findings Judge Karnow made were: no inadequacies in the ACCJC conflict of interest policy; no conflict of interest or apparent conflict of interest with the 2012 CCSF volunteer-peer evaluation team; no wrongdoing by the ACCJC and its staff.

The court ruled, however, that the commission made an error in not informing the institution in advance of its noncompliance with 10 standards, and ordered ACCJC to undertake a process to remedy that error. That process is ongoing.

The ACCJC remains committed to fulfilling its purpose — to assure the institutions it accredits meet accreditation standards, and beyond that, strive to improve quality. Our communities’ students are best equipped for success when colleges offer the best in curriculum, pedagogy, support services, facilities, and instructional technologies, and when colleges are financially stable with governance focused on providing quality education to students.

Many at CCSF would probably disagree with the concluding statements.  In fact, the CFT/AFT also disputes the entire OpEd.  


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