Tom Hanks in the NY Times about his experience at a Calif Community College
Given Obama's proposal about making the first 2 years of community college free, this piece makes it very clear in the first paragraph, "because it accepted everyone and was free."
IN 1974, I graduated from Skyline High School in Oakland, Calif., an underachieving student with lousy SAT scores. Allowed to send my results to three colleges, I chose M.I.T. and Villanova, knowing such fine schools would never accept a student like me but hoping they’d toss some car stickers my way for taking a shot. I couldn’t afford tuition for college anyway. I sent my final set of stats to Chabot, a community college in nearby Hayward, Calif., which, because it accepted everyone and was free, would be my alma mater.
Let's hope America will do better than what it is doing now in higher education.
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