The SF Examiner reports opening up California Community College accreditation to other bodies
The SF Examiner reports that there are motions to remove the exclusivity of the ACCJC in terms of accreditation for the California Community College system. The article states:
In other words, things might change, but it wont' change fast. Remember, accreditation is connected to financial aid from the Federal Government. Without it, colleges close.
The accrediting body that voted to strip City College of San Francisco of its accreditation last year may not be the state's only community college accreditor for much longer.
On Thursday, the Consultation Council -- a group of representatives from schools statewide, including California Community Colleges Chancellor Brice Harris -- met to discuss a recent recommendation by State Auditor Elaine Howle for the Chancellor's Office to remove language from its regulations naming the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges as the sole accreditor for schools.
The commission has been named in the Chancellor's Office regulations since at least 1983.
While no action was taken on the topic at the Consultation Council's meeting, Harris can use the information discussed to decide whether to recommend a policy change to the Board of Governors at its next meeting in November, said Paul Feist, a spokesman for the Chancellor's Office.
"Nothing would change in the short term, but if there is another accreditor who wishes to be recognized by the U.S. Department of Education to accredit community colleges in California ... our office would have the flexibility of selecting among whoever has been designated as able to accredit community colleges," Feist said.
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