Chronicle of Higher Ed--Adjuncts getting Federal attention
Given that almost 70% of all classes in higher education in America is taught by adjunct faculty, there is more and more attention being given to our part time colleagues. Maria Maestro of New Faculty Majority testified in front of Congress of the penchant for administrations to reduce working hours to avoid the ACA. The article states:
Last April, Ms. Maisto went after institutions that had reduced the number of hours that adjuncts could work, keeping them below the 30-hour-a-week threshold that would make them eligible for employer-provided benefits under the new federal law. She wrote an opinion piece about the issue for a website,, that is focused on social justice. Mr. Miller's staff members were among the people who read it.Additionally, the plight of working conditions of adjunct faculty has been raised. This is an ongoing issue, which might impact all adjuncts now, as Congress may get involved. As it states,
Now she had the attention of the top Democrat on the U.S. House of Representatives’ Committee on Education and the Workforce. After the hearing, Mr. Miller told Ms. Maisto that he wanted to work with her to draw more attention to the plight of adjuncts, who account for about 70 percent of instructors.
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