City College of SF legal case to be heard at State level

San Francisco Bay Guardian reports that the suit brought about by the SF City Attorney will be heard at the State level not the Federal level.  Also, there are forums being set up by various politicians.  It states:

Last month the ACCJC filed a motion to have that lawsuit heard in federal court, a move that could have put any ruling on shaky legal ground, the City Attorney’s office told the Guardian. But as of yesterday, Nov/5, that hurdle has been cleared.

If their fight for survival is like chess, the accrediting commission just lost a bishop.
It’s no checkmate, but it’s an important step on the way to saving City College.

In regards to elected official, they are doing the following:

Meanwhile, ACCJC is facing more scrutiny from elected officials. Congresswoman Jackie Speier, whose district covers the southern end of San Francisco (including City College’s main campus) is holding a forum tomorrow to address the question, “Is the accrediting process for California’s community colleges fair and accountable?”
Speier isn’t alone. Congresswoman Anna Eshoo and State Senator Jim Beall will be on hand to shine a light on the ACCJC’s practices. Beall is a notable attendee because he called for a state level inquiry into the ACCJC, which we covered previously (Changing the Narrative, Aug. 27).


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