SF Gate on Barbara Beno

College accrediting panel chief draws scrutiny
Nanette Asimov
Updated 7:31 pm, Monday, October 7, 2013

When you read this article, there seems to be a slight bias for Barbara Beno.  Given that the SF Chronicle has not been particularly kind to CCSF, this is not unusual.  The article states:  

To critics, Beno plays the Queen of Hearts, a rapacious royal straight out of Wonderland who likes nothing more than to declare, "Off with his head!" as she wallops schools like City College of San Francisco with the threat of revoking their operating license.
The view is extreme but widespread, thanks to a statewide faculty union bent on dismantling the accrediting commission it claims uses unfair, if not illegal, tactics to intimidate colleges across the state.
So, the Union's position is Extreme?  Beno appears to lawyer up quite fast as noted here:

The state audit will look at whether California's accrediting process follows the law, addresses academic quality and is in line with the practices of accrediting agencies, Elaine Howle, the state auditor, told the lawmakers.
It's a review Beno never wanted. In May, she marshaled lawyers and lobbyists to halt the senators' effort, according to correspondence obtained by The Chronicle.
And she succeeded - at first. On May 31, a lawyer for the commission assured Beno that the state had "no legal authority to audit a private organization and ... if you think about it, it would be shocking if it did."
Days later, the audit was knocked off the lawmakers' June agenda.
But the audit went through in August - allowable because it will look only at how the accrediting process affects colleges, not at the agency itself.

It is only a review of the "process?"  


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