Jamienne S Studley appointment in Dept of Education
The Chronicle of Higher Ed reports that:
Jamienne S. Studley, a former president of Skidmore College and a former top lawyer for the U.S. Department of Education, has been appointed as a deputy under secretary of education to help lead the department’s higher-education policy initiatives. Martha J. Kanter, the under secretary of education, announced the appointment on Friday in a letter to colleagues.
It goes on in the article stating that her focus. Of interest is what was stated in the middle of the article. It goes on:
Ms. Studley, who served as the department’s deputy and acting general counsel during the Clinton administration, will join another recently appointed deputy under secretary, Jeff Appel, in coordinating the department’s work to carry out President Obama’s ambitious plan to improve college performance in areas of access, affordability, and accountability, Ms. Kanter said in the letter.
“Their responsibilities will include a strong focus on higher-education policy development and outreach,” she wrote. “They will also support research to deepen the evidence base to strengthen the nation’s postsecondary system, student experiences, and outcomes.”
The term "outcomes" is there, so don't expect SLOs to disappear anytime soon.
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