CFT Press Release: Legislature approves audit of ACCJC

Press release CFT

August 21, 2013, Sacramento—With strong bipartisan support, the Joint Legislative Audit Committee (JLAC) today approved Senators Beall and Nielsen's request for the Bureau of State Audits to audit the accreditation process at three California community colleges.  
Senator Nielsen in particular made a strong opening statement regarding the problems with the Accrediting Commission for California Community Colleges (ACCJC), mentioning at one point that in all his years of public service, he had never met with a more arrogant agency representative than ACCJC President Barbara Beno. Dr. Frank Gorrick, an ACCJC commissioner, and Krista Johns, ACCJC vice president of policy and research, appeared to testify in opposition. Their arguments against the audit focused on the fact that the USDOE investigation/ review should suffice. The Chancellor's office did not testify. The CFT, California Community College Independents, California Teachers Association and Faculty Association of California Community Colleges all testified in support.
The final vote, 10 - 1, with three abstentions, was as follows:
  1. Assm. Gray (D-Merced)
    Y   Assm. Achadjian (R-San Luis Obispo)
    Y   Assm. Atkins (D-San Diego)
    N   Assm. Donnelly (R-Hesperia)
    Y   Assm. Lowenthal (D-Long Beach)
    A   Assm. Mansoor (R-Costa Mesa)
    Y   Assm. Rendon (D-South Gate)
  2. Sen. Lara (D-Los Angeles)
    Y   Sen. Beall (D-San Jose)
    Y   Sen. Cannella (R-Merced)
    Y   Sen. De Saulnier (D-Concord)
    A   Sen. Jean Fuller (R-Bakersfield)
    A   Sen. Galgiani (D-Stockton)
    Y   Sen. Jackson (D-Santa Barbara)
* Y (Yes); A (Absent or Abstain); N (No)


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