Status of CCSF
News so far about CCSF isn't very promising. There is a possibility that the appeal process could be extended, but with such a high number of ACCJC violations, it isn't looking great. So far, the Compton Solution is off the table.
From the Chronicle of Higher Ed, "Stunned by Accreditor, City College of San Francisco Suddenly Faces Hard Choices.
Ms. Messer said the college's choices "were not typical of the other" California community colleges. "They were a reflection of our 'San Francisco values.'"Inside Higher Ed, "Appeal or Bust."
But those haven't proved to be the values of the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges, part of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. In announcing its decision last week, the commission cited a "lack of financial accountability, as well as institutional deficiencies in the area of leadership and governance," as the main reasons for its decision.
City College is San Francisco’s only two-year institution. No nearby community college is in a good position to run the college, which is California’s largest. And the idea of turning over control to another two-year college is not considered viable by college and state officials, sources said, in part because the commission does not favor it.
San Francisco Examiner, "It's Time to Get Serious About Saving CCSF
Too many locally elected officials have had flippant attitudes about the possibility of the college being forced to close ever since the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges handed down a harsh ruling of "show cause," which meant the college needed to prove why it should stay open.
Beyond Chron: The Voice of the Rest, "California Accreditation Agency goes 'All In' ACCJC Threatens to Terminate CCSF"
First, let's be clear: The threatened removal of accreditation from City College of San Francisco (CCSF) has NOTHING to do with the quality of education being provided at that college. Following are a few examples of the college's quality:
* CCSF departments compete successfully against major universities across the nation.
This year the Journalism Department's magazine earned 2nd place nation-wide inelite competition sponsored by the Society of Professional Journalists. (That's right, 2 year community college CCSF beats out Syracuse, Ohio State and many other major universities.)
* Student Satisfaction is high.
In 2010-11 poll 85.9% of students say they would recommend CCSF to a friend.
* Teacher quality is high.
In the above poll, students rate the Quality of Instruction at CCSF as 95% "Good" or "Excellent".
* Completion rate is relatively high. As shown in data at the California Community College Chancellor's office, completion for community college students throughout California is 49.2% vs 55.6% at CCSF.
* Community Satisfaction and support is high.
73% of San Francisco City residents voted to raise property taxes to support the CCSF in fiscal hard times.
* There is high competition to get into CCSF professional programs.
For example, the RN program has 585 applicants for 50 openings in Fall 2013.
* Even in the athletics arena also CCSF is a high performer.
This year their men's basketball team was undefeated in the regular season with 28 wins and 0 losses.
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