CCSF Legal situation and Candidacy option

Things are getting more complicated.  According to the ACCJC, they can't extend the accreditation beyond July 2014.  On the other hand, they can apply for candidacy.  According to the SF Examiner:  
On Tuesday, Barbara Beno, the commission’s president, urged CCSF to consider seeking its accreditation anew by applying for “candidacy” status, and she said the commission doesn’t have the power to extend its July 31 deadline before revoking the college’s accreditation, despite what others have asserted.
This option has been floated by other members of the ACCJC.  The ACCJC declared that they are tied by Federal Laws.  They stated that:
Congress and the U.S. Department of Education “have specified that an accrediting body allow no more than two years for a substandard college to come into compliance or lose its accreditation,” according to the commission.
But the City Attorney’s Office said Tuesday the commission does have the authority to extend the deadline.
This will be a fight to the end.  


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